5 Useful Tips To Increase The Longevity Of Dental Implants

When you opt for dental implants, you are not just investing in a dental procedure that will last for a few coming years, but you are investing in a dental procedure that may last the rest of your life as long as you take appropriate care of it.

That’s why learning and following adequate maintenance tips is imperative!

At Dental Curve, we want our beloved patients to adore gorgeous, healthy smiles with long-lasting results. To help you accomplish that, we have listed 5 tips to aid your dental implants last longer.

Be Aware of the Healing Process

The dental implant procedure occurs over four to six months, depending on the patient’s requirements and time for healing. During this time, it’s crucial to keep the area clean and adhere to the supervision and direction of your dentist. Avoiding interactions with the impacted area as much as possible can speed up the healing process and potentially ease the tremendous success of the implant. Prioritize your dentist-advised post-surgery care and ensure you are gently practising exceptional oral hygiene.

Practice Proper Oral Hygiene Always 

Our five tips are tried and true. Dental implants are very similar to our natural teeth, including being susceptible to the same dangers. Proper oral care at home will make a massive difference in your implants’ overall health and longevity. As recommended for our natural teeth, regular flossing & brushing will ensure that your crown and implant stay free of plaque-causing bacteria, which might lead to gum disease or damage. Along with consistent brushing and flossing, additional care tips are guided by your dentist to aid you to optimize the health of your implant and the surrounding area.

Schedule Routine Visits with Your Dentist 

Besides emphasizing excellent oral health practices, routine visits with your dental team are essential. The general approach is a dental check-up and professional cleaning every six months. During this time, your dentist gets the opportunity to check the implant and the surrounding areas. This healthy, preventative habit assures the long life and durability of the titanium screws and crowns, and it lessens the risk of gum disease that could compromise the life of your implant. More frequent dental visits with your dentist may be recommended for patients at higher risk for periodontitis.

Dodge Damaging Foods 

Another tip for maintaining the integrity of your dental implants is to stop hogging over food and damaging habits. Avoid chewing on items that could break or disrupt your artificial tooth, including ice, hard candy, or hard items. Avoiding tobacco, caffeine, and other tooth-staining things are also recommended to guarantee the prolonged beauty of your crown and natural teeth.

Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

To extend the life of your implants goes hand in hand with healthy lifestyle choices. So, tip number five is to make the correct choices to improve your overall health while diminishing the risk of damage to your teeth and gums. If you habitually grind your teeth or clench your jaw, then please consider seeking dental treatment to ensure you do not injure the newly placed crown or the surrounding area. Another habit that puts your implants and general health at risk can be smoking. As your body works concurrently as a complete whole, your oral health and the vitality of your implants will be influenced by your lifestyle choices.

We hope this blog was helpful for you!
So, try to choose healthy habits that will contribute to more significant well-being to enhance your oral health simultaneously and prolong the life of your newly implanted pearly whites.
